Master of the Universe: 2006

Master of the Universe

The Meaning

In “Master of the Universe” we see a metaphoric expression of one perceiving the eye of God in a revelation of His animated mystical Son holding fire in one hand and the earth with dripping down oceans in the other.

Angels Worshipping

Underneath the cosmic Christ are His angel’s worshipping Him beneath a cloud He is levitating on with lighting striking out of the eye. The sequel of this painting is “In the Belly” and both were inspired by the visionary art works of Alex Grey and Marc Chagall and Michelangelo.

The Process

This was the second piece I had ever done on poster board with acrylic paint. This poster board was rough and flat and not at all glossy like the one I used for “In the Belly.”


The smudging effect I did with a rag, brushes, and my fingers and it turned out much better than I anticipated, especially the Lemon Yellow paint I used to come out of the cloud that cosmic Christ is levitating on.

Face of an Angel

If you look closely underneath the cloud, you can see the faces of the angels and their wings smudged out that fades out into space.

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