The Meaning
“Ezekiel’s Vision” was inspired by the first chapter of the book of Ezekiel. This vision was received from God when Jerusalem was being held captive by Babylonians and the prophet was overwhelmed with grief.
Four-Headed Creature

He sees a vision of the Son of Man with the four creatures that have heads of a human, an eagle, a lion, and an ox.
Wheels with Eyes

He described the creatures being on a wheel within a wheel with eyes all over them.
Crashing Wings

The creatures were described as having wings that crash with the sound of an ocean (the wings were painted as ocean wings with crashing waves coming out of them.
Train of His Robe

The Son of Man’s robe wraps around the side of them (inspired by Isaiah 6:1).
Rainbow from the Throne

Ezekiel also describes a rainbow of colors coming from The Son of Man’s throne (which is painted like a crystal cathedral under Him). Doves flow out of His throne to symbolize His Spirit of love and faithfulness for those who dare to behold His Glory. A river of fire is coming from His throne as is described in the book of Daniel 7:10 (which also describes the four living creatures).
The Process
This was the piece that helped me to realize how important it was to sketch out my illustrations before painting them, especially when I started to bring different concepts from scripture together. The spectrum of colors was the only part of the piece that I did not sketch, and I used the throne as a guide to span the colors out from it.
This painting was partially inspired by the river flowing from the throne as depicted in an earlier piece, called “River of Fire” except this one shows the Son of Man on the throne.
You may notice a tear in the center of the painting. Unfortunately, this happened when I moved from one residence to another.